With the development of experimental quantum technology, quantum control has attracted increasing attention due to the realization of controllable artificial quantum systems. However, because quantum-mechanical systems are often too difficult to analytically deal with, heuristic strategies and numerical algorithms which search for proper control protocols are adopted, and, deep learning, especially deep reinforcement learning (RL), is a promising generic candidate solution for the control problems. Although there have been a few successful applications of deep RL to quantum control problems, most of the existing RL algorithms suffer from instabilities and unsatisfactory reproducibility, and require a large amount of fine-tuning and a large computational budget, both of which limit their applicability. To resolve the issue of instabilities, in this dissertation, we investigate the non-convergence issue of Q-learning. Then, we investigate the weakness of existing convergent approaches that have been proposed, and we develop a new convergent Q-learning algorithm, which we call the convergent deep Q network (C-DQN) algorithm, as an alternative to the conventional deep Q network (DQN) algorithm. We prove the convergence of C-DQN and apply it to the Atari 2600 benchmark. We show that when DQN fail, C-DQN still learns successfully. Then, we apply the algorithm to the measurement-feedback cooling problems of a quantum quartic oscillator and a trapped quantum rigid body. We establish the physical models and analyse their properties, and we show that although both C-DQN and DQN can learn to cool the systems, C-DQN tends to behave more stably, and when DQN suffers from instabilities, C-DQN can achieve a better performance. As the performance of DQN can have a large variance and lack consistency, C-DQN can be a better choice for researches on complicated control problems.
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In this thesis, we consider two simple but typical control problems and apply deep reinforcement learning to them, i.e., to cool and control a particle which is subject to continuous position measurement in a one-dimensional quadratic potential or in a quartic potential. We compare the performance of reinforcement learning control and conventional control strategies on the two problems, and show that the reinforcement learning achieves a performance comparable to the optimal control for the quadratic case, and outperforms conventional control strategies for the quartic case for which the optimal control strategy is unknown. To our knowledge, this is the first time deep reinforcement learning is applied to quantum control problems in continuous real space. Our research demonstrates that deep reinforcement learning can be used to control a stochastic quantum system in real space effectively as a measurement-feedback closed-loop controller, and our research also shows the ability of AI to discover new control strategies and properties of the quantum systems that are not well understood, and we can gain insights into these problems by learning from the AI, which opens up a new regime for scientific research.
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多个实例学习(MIL)是对诊断病理学的整个幻灯片图像(WSI)进行分类的强大方法。 MIL对WSI分类的基本挑战是发现触发袋子标签的\ textit {critical Instances}。但是,先前的方法主要是在独立和相同的分布假设(\ textit {i.i.d})下设计的,忽略了肿瘤实例或异质性之间的相关性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的基于多重检测的多重实例学习(MDMIL)来解决上述问题。具体而言,MDMIL是由内部查询产生模块(IQGM)和多重检测模块(MDM)构建的,并在训练过程中基于内存的对比度损失的辅助。首先,IQGM给出了实例的概率,并通过在分布分析后汇总高度可靠的功能来为后续MDM生成内部查询(IQ)。其次,在MDM中,多重检测交叉注意(MDCA)和多头自我注意力(MHSA)合作以生成WSI的最终表示形式。在此过程中,智商和可训练的变异查询(VQ)成功建立了实例之间的联系,并显着提高了模型对异质肿瘤的鲁棒性。最后,为了进一步在特征空间中实施限制并稳定训练过程,我们采用基于内存的对比损失,即使在每次迭代中有一个样本作为输入,也可以实现WSI分类。我们对三个计算病理数据集进行实验,例如CamelyOn16,TCGA-NSCLC和TCGA-RCC数据集。优越的准确性和AUC证明了我们提出的MDMIL比其他最先进方法的优越性。
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来自LIDAR或相机传感器的3D对象检测任务对于自动驾驶至关重要。先锋尝试多模式融合的尝试补充了稀疏的激光雷达点云,其中包括图像的丰富语义纹理信息,以额外的网络设计和开销为代价。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为SPNET的新型语义传递框架,以通过丰富的上下文绘画的指导来提高现有基于激光雷达的3D检测模型的性能,在推理过程中没有额外的计算成本。我们的关键设计是首先通过训练语义绘制的教师模型来利用地面真实标签中潜在的指导性语义知识,然后引导纯LIDAR网络通过不同的粒度传播模块来学习语义绘制的表示:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别:类别: - 通过,像素的传递和实例传递。实验结果表明,所提出的SPNET可以与大多数现有的3D检测框架无缝合作,其中AP增益为1〜5%,甚至在KITTI测试基准上实现了新的最新3D检测性能。代码可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/jb892/sp​​net。
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闭塞者重新识别(REID)旨在匹配遮挡人物在不同的相机视图上的整体上。目标行人(TP)通常受到非行人闭塞(NPO)和Nontarget行人(NTP)的干扰。以前的方法主要集中在忽略NTP的特征污染的同时越来越越来越多的模型对非NPO的鲁棒性。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的特征擦除和扩散网络(FED),同时处理NPO和NTP。具体地,我们的建议闭塞擦除模块(OEM)消除了NPO特征,并由NPO增强策略辅助,该策略模拟整体行人图像上的NPO并产生精确的遮挡掩模。随后,我们随后,我们将行人表示与其他记忆特征弥散,以通过学习的跨关注机构通过新颖的特征扩散模块(FDM)实现的特征空间中的NTP特征。随着OEM的闭塞分数的指导,特征扩散过程主要在可见的身体部位上进行,保证合成的NTP特性的质量。通过在我们提出的联邦网络中联合优化OEM和FDM,我们可以大大提高模型对TP的看法能力,并减轻NPO和NTP的影响。此外,所提出的FDM仅用作用于训练的辅助模块,并将在推理阶段中丢弃,从而引入很少的推理计算开销。遮挡和整体人员Reid基准的实验表明了美联储最先进的优越性,喂养的含量在封闭式封闭的内容上取得了86.3%的排名 - 1准确性,超过其他人至少4.7%。
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卷积神经网络(CNN)已在许多物联网(IoT)设备中应用于多种下游任务。但是,随着边缘设备上的数据量的增加,CNN几乎无法及时完成某些任务,而计算和存储资源有限。最近,过滤器修剪被认为是压缩和加速CNN的有效技术,但是从压缩高维张量的角度来看,现有的方法很少是修剪CNN。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的理论,可以在三维张量中找到冗余信息,即量化特征图(QSFM)之间的相似性,并利用该理论来指导滤波器修剪过程。我们在数据集(CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100和ILSVRC-12)上执行QSFM和Edge设备,证明所提出的方法可以在神经网络中找到冗余信息,具有可比的压缩和可耐受的准确性下降。没有任何微调操作,QSFM可以显着压缩CIFAR-56(48.7%的Flops和57.9%的参数),而TOP-1的准确性仅损失0.54%。对于边缘设备的实际应用,QSFM可以将Mobilenet-V2推理速度加速1.53倍,而ILSVRC-12 TOP-1的精度仅损失1.23%。
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Motivated by the increasing application of low-resolution LiDAR recently, we target the problem of low-resolution LiDAR-camera calibration in this work. The main challenges are two-fold: sparsity and noise in point clouds. To address the problem, we propose to apply depth interpolation to increase the point density and supervised contrastive learning to learn noise-resistant features. The experiments on RELLIS-3D demonstrate that our approach achieves an average mean absolute rotation/translation errors of 0.15cm/0.33\textdegree on 32-channel LiDAR point cloud data, which significantly outperforms all reference methods.
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Due to the complicated nanoscale structures of current integrated circuits(IC) builds and low error tolerance of IC image segmentation tasks, most existing automated IC image segmentation approaches require human experts for visual inspection to ensure correctness, which is one of the major bottlenecks in large-scale industrial applications. In this paper, we present the first data-driven automatic error detection approach targeting two types of IC segmentation errors: wire errors and via errors. On an IC image dataset collected from real industry, we demonstrate that, by adapting existing CNN-based approaches of image classification and image translation with additional pre-processing and post-processing techniques, we are able to achieve recall/precision of 0.92/0.93 in wire error detection and 0.96/0.90 in via error detection, respectively.
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我们考虑偏微分方程(PDE)的逆问题,以便依赖关系结构的参数可以随着时间的流逝而表现出随机变更点。例如,当物理系统处于恶意攻击下(例如,黑客对电网和互联网网络的攻击)或遭受极端外部条件(例如,影响电网的天气条件或大型市场移动)影响衍生性的估值时,可能会发生这种情况。合同)。为此,我们采用了物理知情的神经网络(PINNS) - 可以合并PDE系统所描述的任何物理定律的普遍近似值。这种先验的知识在神经网络的训练中起作用,是限制可接受解决方案空间并增加功能近似的正确性的正规化。我们表明,当真实的数据生成过程在PDE动力学中表现出更改点时,这种正则化会导致完整的错过校准和模型的故障。因此,我们建议使用总差异惩罚扩展PINN,该惩罚适合PDE动力学中的(多个)变更点。这些更改点可以随着时间的推移在随机位置发生,并且它们与解决方案一起估计。我们提出了一种附加的完善算法,该算法将更改点检测到可用于计算强化PINNS方法的动态编程方法的减少的动态编程方法结合在一起,我们证明了使用不同方程式的示例与参数变化的不同方程式的示例,证明了所提出的模型的好处。如果数据中没有更改点,则提出的模型将减少为原始PINNS模型。在存在变更点的情况下,与原始PINNS模型相比,它会导致参数估计,更好的模型拟合和较低的训练误差的改进。
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